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Efficiently relaxed - thanks to DeskNow

Sometimes all it takes is a picture to visualise the perfect working day: Feet up, laptop open, sun shining through the windows and everything seems to run effortlessly. But what is behind this apparent serenity? The answer is: DeskNow! This innovative desk-sharing solution not only makes your working life easier, but also enriches it in many ways.

1. stress-free working thanks to smart workplace organisation

Modern working life can be hectic - meetings, deadlines, constant switching between home and office. This makes it all the more important that the organisation of your workplace runs smoothly. DeskNow relieves you of this stress. With just a few clicks, you can book your workspace, find the perfect conference room or secure a parking space - all without long searches or unnecessary stress.

How does DeskNow enrich your working day? By taking the burden of organisation off your shoulders so that you can concentrate fully on your tasks. Your working day no longer starts with the search for a free desk, but with a relaxed start to your projects.

A person with feet up on a desk, laptop and notebook on the table, enjoying a relaxed work atmosphere thanks to efficient workspace management with DeskNow. Thanks to DeskNow for the desk-sharing solution!
Relaxed and productive – With DeskNow, you have your workspace and day under control.

2. more flexibility for more productivity

Flexibility is the key to a productive working day. Whether you need to get into the office spontaneously or want to plan your workspace for the whole week, DeskNow allows you to organise your day according to your needs. The software integrates seamlessly with your existing systems, so you can control everything from your smartphone or laptop.

Why is this important? Because flexibility is the basis for productivity. The more flexibly you can organise your work, the better you can focus on your tasks and maximise your performance. DeskNow helps you organise your working day so that you can get the most out of your day at all times.

3. increased efficiency through smart technology

In a world where time is the most valuable commodity, efficiency is a must. DeskNow provides you with a user-friendly platform that allows you to effortlessly manage all aspects of your workplace. Whether you're coordinating workspaces for your team, booking conference rooms or making sure everyone has the right resources at their fingertips, DeskNow makes it easy.

How does this affect your day-to-day work? Efficiency means less time wasted and more focus on the essentials. With DeskNow, you not only organise your own workplace more efficiently, but also help to optimise the entire office structure.

4. satisfied employees thanks to simple solutions

A satisfied employee is a productive employee. DeskNow not only makes everyday office life more efficient, but also more pleasant. The ability to book a workstation anytime and anywhere gives employees back control over their working day. No unnecessary interruptions, no double bookings, no chaos.

The result? A more harmonious working environment where everyone can focus on their tasks and the team is more productive overall. DeskNow not only promotes efficiency, but also job satisfaction.

5. sustainability and cost savings through optimised office space

It's not just the employees who benefit from DeskNow, the company itself also benefits greatly from the optimised use of office space.By utilising workstations and conference rooms more efficiently, companies can make better use of their resources, resulting in significant cost savings.In addition, the reduction of unused space contributes to sustainability - less energy consumption and better utilisation of existing resources.

Why is this important? Sustainability and cost awareness are crucial factors for business success today.DeskNow helps companies to utilise their office space more efficiently and at the same time make a positive contribution to the environment.

ConclusionDeskNow is much more than simple desk-sharing software - it is a real game changer for the modern workplace. By combining flexibility, efficiency and user-friendliness, DeskNow revolutionises everyday office life and makes working not only easier, but also more enjoyable.If you're ready to optimise your working day and increase employee satisfaction at the same time, DeskNow is the perfect solution.

Sit back, enjoy the moment and let DeskNow do the rest. Your working life has never been so relaxed and productive!

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